ERC’s Profile

Economic Reform Corporation’s Profiler

1.       The Economic Reform Corporation Profile


1.2      Corporation No.  1378564

1.3      Date of Incorporation.  7th day of October 1999.

1.4      Type of Corporation.  Ontario Business Corporation.

1.5      Governing Jurisdiction. Canada – Ontario.

1.6      Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1.7      Primary Purposes. Objects, Activities, and powers:

      (a) To accept gifts and donations; (b) to distribute its benefices to all peoples regardless of race, religion, culture, ethnic or national origins, of any gender (be it male or female) and age, whom the directors are satisfied are in genuine need and in a manner and process as shall be directed by the Board, in accordance with the Charter of objectives of ERC. (c) to assist and encourage education to uplift those who will benefit from education and/or who need same; (d) to alleviate pain and suffering of all mankind out of its available resources. (e) to assist in humanitarian endeavour, projects and programmes worldwide and to create and promote its own projects programmes and plans for humanitarian relief worldwide; (f) to participate in national and international movements, organisations and programmes solely for humanitarian purposes, in accordance with its charter of objectives; (g) to promote, uplift and encourage ethical values, cultural and moral improvement of people with emphasis on peaceful development and moderation; and amongst other things outlined on page 11 of the Basic Fact Booklet, namely, items 3.1.(h) to (j).

1.8      Aim, Goal and Objective

      In carrying out its aim, goal, and objective, in accordance with its “charter of objectives Economic Reform Corporation has established a number of special purpose corporations (referred as Economic Reform Corporations!™) that are placed under the management and control of the Canadian Humanitarian Endeavours, Business Advancements and Reform, Corporation.
      Economic Reform Corporation and its special purpose corporations (the subsidiaries) have their eyes fixed on becoming the infrastructure financial services leaders by responding to the specific needs and requirements of the respective client with secured project investment vehicles that are equipped and empowered to develop and deliver in a timely manner.  As a result, Economic Reform Corporation (“Canadian Infrastructure Solution™”) is pause to become a world leader in respect to infrastructure solution provider.

1.9      Primary Infrastructure operations

      Economic Reform Corporation’s primary infrastructure operation is to assist in:

      1. humanitarian endeavours,
      2. business advancement projects and programmes worldwide; and,
      3. to create and promote its own projects, programmes, and plans for humanitarian relief worldwide.
      In so doing, Economic Reform Corporation and its platforms (collectively dba Canadian Infrastructure Solution™) are structured to serve institutional investors, governments and sophisticated investors.  Upon completion and implementation, from time to time, its special purpose subsidiaries, such as Infrabanx™,  C-R.I.S.K.™, Pitcapital™, and CHEBARC™ will be providing comprehensive international corporate financial services for clients doing business around the world.
      Conceding that the host country deserves a financial partner who can provide the highest level of service, innovative ideas, technology, and e-commerce solutions, at the lowest cost possible; therefore, at Economic Reform Corporation, its personnel strive to make the host country’s infrastructure work in ways it never has before.  Specifically, Economic Reform Corporation recognise that the host country has unique needs and concerns that require seasoned professionals with the experience necessary to get results anticipated by all participants.

      Economic Reform Corporation believes that having the “right” people at our disposal will make the difference in developing and maintaining a successful Infrastructure partnership.  Our Team approach makes Canadian Infrastructure Solution™ and its platforms, namely, Infrabanx™,  C-R.I.S.K., Pitcapital™, and Chebarc™ unique coupled with our strategic partners, being qualified Canadian enterprises that are registrants of Conscribe Network!™ or qualified publicly listed US, EU, or UK enterprises that are deemed registrants of Servicers Company.

1.10    Corporate Governance.  Economic Reform Corporation has approved and adopted the following by-laws, rules, regulations, and policies:

      1. By-law No. 1 – General Rules
      2. By-law No. 2 – Borrowing
      3. By-law No. 3 – Governance
      4. By-law No. 4 – Cash Flow and Liquidity Management
      5. By-law No. 5 – Procurement
      6. By-law No. 6 – Documenting, Filing & Reporting

      7. Legal Framework of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) – in accordance with Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), USA Patriot Act, and Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards, as amended. In this regard it is critical for our directors, officers, and internal and external support staff, as well as our outsourced professionals work in absolute compliance in order to address the various risk factors pertaining to money laundering and financial crime, be direct or indirect.

      8. Mastering AML Transaction Monitoring – (a) Record keeping – in accordance with rule of law in a timely and chronological order via Telechronology™; (b) reporting – adhering reporting requirements in a prudent and timely manner; (c) conductclient due diligence; (d) risk assessment – prior to each transaction being authorised in order to identity potential vulnerabilities – namely, (i) foreigners and non-resident entities; (ii) asset-holding vehicles; (iii) politically exposed person or a family member or associate thereof; (iv) the client is expected to exceed certain limits in a number of daily cash transactions; (v) the client is a cash-intensive business; (vi) and/or client has nominee shareholders, or shares of the entity are issued in bearer form; as well as (vii) geographical risk factors such as: countries without adequate infrastructure to address AML, (viii) countries under sanctions and embargoes; (ix) notorious corrupt countries; (x) blacklisted countries; (xi) designated terrorist supporting countries; and (xii) countries that are not deemed a member of the Financial Action Task Force or a partner thereof; (e) internal control – active review of internal controls is mandatory for enhancing regulatory compliance and preventing all types of financial crimes (funds that are believed to be obtained illegally, connected with fraud or terrorism).

1.11    Basic Facts. Economic Reform Corporation’s basic facts

1.12    Ownership100% Canadian owned and controlled.

1.13    Chief Patron.  Haywood DENNIS, in the capacity of patron since 7th day of October 1999 until the date hereof – Canadian Citizen.

1.14    Number of Patrons. A maximum of five (5) patrons.

1.15    Minimum and Maximum Number of Directors

      The Corporation shall operate with and under the direction of the directors who shall be limited to twelve (12) and not less than two (2). All directors shall be people of good-repute and character. Presiding directors are: (i) Marty THIESSEN and (ii) Antonio Esguerra, excluding alternates directors.

1.16    Chief Executive Officer.  Marty THIESSEN, in the capacity of director since 1st of April 2005 until the dated hereof – Canadian Citizen.

1.17    Founders and Incorporators.  (1) Philips Gate, first director; (2) John Davis, first director; and (3) late Hon. Judge Dabi Dial – Canadian citizens in memory of late Emeline Robinson.

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